Monday, July 10, 2006

Stress reducer

It might have worked, had my neighbors not gone away for the weekend and left their dog locked in the house to bark and howl for 45 minutes out of every hour. Their insensitivity towards their neighbors is only exceeded by their cruelty towards their dog. Since this is supposed to be my craft blog not my bitch and moan one, I will tell you that this reminds me of one of my first craft projects, a plaque I made for a local animal shelter I volunteered at as a teenager. It was made from a cross cut of fir and I burned into it this quote..... The more I see of dogs, the less I think of men.


Burl Veneer said...

Hi there, Bul Veneer here--I've relisted the Hubert tie you liked with a buy-it-now, in case you're still interested. Thanks for visiting my tie blog, you have a lot of neat stuff here too!


Jessica Moreau Berry said...

Are you kiddin' me?? I'd so be tempted to call the animal police on them!!!!!

Karen said...

I let them know. ( As did several other neighbors.) This is their first dog,(which is no excuse).It floors me when people get an animal that size and expect it to be an indoor dog. This is a dog that requires some serious exercise. They take it out 2 or 3 times a day, sometimes just to the edge of their property . It's getting quite neurotic, very sad. I haven't had a dog since I've moved here. My yard is small and my time is short. When I have a dog I want them to be able to run freely at least once a day. Yesterday I went and sat by the waterfall when it was quiet and did wonders for my mood.

teacherarbc said...

Hi Saltygal!

Thanks for stopping by The Suburban Apron Company and for adding me to your Flickr friends!!!

Love this photo! Makes me long for another trip to those Japenese Gardens I wrote about a few weeks ago...

Like your blog also...will come back to visit again. :)

Recycled By Hyena said...

people are so cruel with animals. They must "think" they are some kind of objects with no sentiments and feeling...
That is disgusting.

In here, it is not forbidden to let your dog chained all day, all week all the time in your backyard, if you provide him food and water and a 5 feet long chain! WTF!

I discovered an association who try to get a law voted for it too be conpletely forbidden. I talked to them about my neighbor's dog who is always chained and it is a real pity. Plus that doggie is such a good boy, it breaks my heart.

Apparently they must have contacted the guy because the doggie run free in the backyard now more and more!! I was so happy!