I am a thrift shop and garage sale maniac. There are no thrift shops in the town I live in, only "Designer Resale" shops that I can't afford to shop in. In the winter no one has garage sales so I get pretty happy when spring rolls around and I can go treasure hunting. So last week while browsing
I see an ad for an upcoming garage sale in my town. It reads "Estate Sale- Clothing, furniture and household items from 1940's to 1950's.... One day only, No advance sale! Absolutely no early birds!
I circled it in red on my calendar.
It was a pretty ugly day out. I figured if I went 15 minutes ahead of time I wouldn't get too soaked while waiting to get in. When I arrive there are only a couple of cars and no line at all. I go inside and there is virtually nothing left but furniture and glassware, I walk from room to room Where the heck is everything?
I ask one of the ladies, "Where is all the clothing?" She says "Oh there were people knocking on the door at 8am and since it was raining we let them in. A couple of ladies bought everything." I was bullshit, " What about "No advance sale! Absolutely no early birds!?" She just smiled weakly and said "Sorry." I went down to the basement to see if I could find any thing interesting, I found an old wooden sleeve ironing board, a wicker rug beater, an enamel funnel from Sweden. There was an old map of our town tumbtacked to the wall which I took down. Up stairs I noticed two beautiful heavy mirrors, on large rectangle with a walnut frame and a small plaster oval one with gold leafing. Nothing was marked except the big mirror. "How much?" I asked the woman I had spoken to earlier. She said "You have six things, so how about six dollars ." That was more than fine with me. Early birds be damned!